North Central Kansas Officers

North Central Kansas Officers

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Life Flies by When You're Having Fun

Hey guys!

Hope your school year is off to a super start! Mine has definitely been a blast, but junior year has hit me like a brick wall. All the sports seasons are in full swing and every class has already had one or two tests. I've already had late night study sessions and spent time memorizing speeches for college classes, but nothing is better then spending those free weekends with your friends. Most schools have already had homecoming and the school year is already an 1/8 of the year over. Let me say that again. The school year is already an 1/8 of the year over. My junior year is already 1/8 of the year over!

Everything that I have talked about has one thing in common. Time. There's some cool things about time.
"Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it, you can never get it back." ~Harvey Mackay

As we continue on in our school year we learn that our lives are never slowing down. Junior year is said to be the hardest by many people. I definitely agree, but it seems to be going the fastest out of my high school years so far. There can be only one cause to this. I'm having so much fun in my life! I've learned so much in this short time of the school year! Since I've started taking college classes I've learned that my future is coming so fast and there's more important things to be stressed about rather than the 2 questions I didn't answer on my Physics homework.

In the rest of my school year there will be so many things that happen. There will be trips to state in sporting events, relief from acing tests, fun times at dances, ACT tests to take, and memories to be made the whole year. There will be a lot of stress, tears, and smiles in the mix but it will all happen so fast. I'm so blessed that I have found my passion in my life. I've found what makes me smile and what makes the bad times turn back into good times so quickly. I've found what makes my heart beat and I've met friends along the way that share my passion. This is what makes my life fly by so fast.

It doesn't matter if you're 14 years old or 64 years old and you're reading this. If you haven't found your passion in life it's not too late! Don't waste any more of your time doing something you don't love! Don't pursue that high money making job if it's not putting a smile on your face! Yes, doing what I love makes life fly by, but my life is flying higher than it ever has before! Do what you love, not what you think you're supposed to do!

Go fly high!

~Breezy Schroeder 2017-18 NCD Reporter

Monday, September 11, 2017

Scuyler Zenger 2017-2018 District President

Here we go again, another four-hour drive from my house to my grandparents. It wasn’t the fact that I didn’t want to go see my grandma and grandpa because I love them with my life. It was simply the fact that seven-year-old me could not STAND being in a car that long, so I sat the whole way there. Have you ever tried to entertain a hyper child who would ask every 10 minutes if we were there yet, high on the idea of getting to see his grandparents for the first time in about five months? It’s impossible because let’s be real, grandma’s cooking? Nothing could beat that. If you asked my parents how they dealt with the issue of me for so long they would probably answer that they didn’t because not only was I hyper-active, but I was also terrified of the car-wash my parents ALWAYS went through on the way from Washington to Oakley, Kansas.

Now, I find something enjoyable about a nice two to four-hour drive. It gives me time to just watch a nice movie, talk to people on my phone, or catch up on some much-needed Z’s because Lord knows I don’t get enough as it is. It’s a time when I don’t have to worry about schoolwork, housework, or work-work.

The evolution I undertook, called “aging,” is one that we all go through eventually but with varying levels of results. Others might still be hyper-active during long drives, but for myself, I’ve learned to just sit back and enjoy the ride. I feel the same concept can be made for FFA. Some approach it with such high energy and accomplish things in the first five-minutes of the year while others do so in a more managed time-frame.

The giddiness I had as a kid still reappears from time to time. Whether it’s right before a football or basketball game, as I walk into the cattle show, or as I’m getting ready to present a workshop I feel just like a kid again. Luckily for me, I have found my element. I have found that working with my show heifers, long sports practices, or rehearsing a workshop to perfection are all things that I enjoy and hope will contribute some life-long lessons I can take with me as I journey through the maze that’s called “LIFE.”

As your North Central District President, I solemnly promise to meet every day with a renewed dedication to the reason I serve you, the members. I swear my loyalty to you. FFA has so much to offer. Let it be your masterpiece. Shape it, mold it, frame it to your desires. Get as excited about anything you’re passionate about just like seven-year-old me got about seeing his grandparents because before you know it, your high school years are over, you’ve attained your American Degree, and you can no longer compete in CDE’s. So, while you’re still here, still young, live your life, learn new experiences, do something great, and live to serve others.

Learning to Do,
Doing to Learn,
Earning to Live,
Living to Serve.

Scuyler Zenger
North Central District President.