North Central Kansas Officers

North Central Kansas Officers

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Revising Resolutions

It is 11:59 on December 31st. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. In the moment that the clock strikes twelve and calendars turn over, people across the world magically become "new." NEW YEAR NEW ME is something I often find plastered around social media. This year, "2018 is gonna be my year" was extremely popular.  A new year means new beginnings. We often look with anticipation upon the blank slate that is the year ahead. It presents a fresh start much needed by struggling people or an opportunity to reach the horizons that could not be touched in years past. The new year is a time to dream about what we someday want to become, and what we are going to do about it. A time to make resolutions.

It is lunchtime on January 8th. All. You. Can. Eat. Buffet. Need I say more? The fascination with the new year has faded after eight short days and the urge to lose weight or maybe eat healthier is crushed when you walk in the door of your favorite restaurant. Where is the motivation that was strong in December? As we progress into the new year our dreams require an action, it is no longer acceptable in our minds to just think about what they will be. People either want to accomplish them or quit, putting them back into the dream file. When the results are not immediate and the reality of the resolution sets in, many a time they go out the window until December 31st. This doesn't always have to be the case though. With some revising and encouragement, you can achieve your goals or at least part of them.

If you fall a little bit on the weak side of your resolution, don't sweat it. Lack of instant achievement is not the equivalent to failure. Having realistic expectations and a doable plan of action can make following through on your new year's resolutions much easier. Most importantly, I believe that by not giving up personally and setting yourself up with a great support group, you can accomplish those things that you have been waiting to do for so long. And then. Then you can set your sights on some different horizons, knowing that you drew a great picture on the slate of 2018.

I wish good luck to those starting school again and hope that everyone can follow through on their new year's resolutions!

My best,

Garrett Craig
NCD Vice President

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