North Central Kansas Officers

North Central Kansas Officers

Monday, November 27, 2017

Hard Work Can Go A Long Way

Often times we are told that hard work can get us anything we desire. We are told that with "elbow grease" and some persistent attitude the world is putty in our hands. We hear it over and over and over again, until it slips in the back of our minds, only to be thought of when the going gets tougher than we expected. It is cliché to think that our hard work is what makes us successful. There is merit in the value that is hard work, and I am honored to be a part of an organization such as the FFA that exemplifies what can happen when we work hard.

The FFA is made up of so much more than just "farm kids." While attending the state FFA convention, I like to watch the CDE and SAE Pageants that recognize individuals who displayed hard work and skill in their field. The winners are not just those of us who live on farms; they are everyday people who learned to work hard and because of their efforts, they excel.  We should all strive to be more like those members. They have all taken the value of hard work very seriously.

Hard work is taken further yet even outside of FFA. We should all strive to apply it to our everyday lives. Whether it be schoolwork or sports, our jobs or our relationships, we can see all of those things flourish with some hard work. One of my favorite sayings heard often in the FFA is "the world needs what the FFA has." By working hard, even when our job may be less than desirable, or our homework is making us pull our hair out, we reveal a lot about our character. The world needs citizens with character and moral fiber, and hard work can help shape us all into those people.

As all of our semesters come to a close, I hope this motivates some of you who are struggling to get across the finish line. I know I am feeling the lag after coming off of Thanksgiving Break. I wish you all best of luck on finals. A reminder that NCD Dodgeball is coming up quickly on Dec. 2!!! Be sure to attend with your chapters! With a little hard work, your chapter could become the NCD Dodgeball Champions.

 -Garrett Craig
NCD Vice President

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