The Best Things in Life Aren't Things
This is a quote that was written on the wall above my bed when I lived out on the farm. As a kid growing up you constantly want everything. You want toys, candy, money, and anything any of your best friends own. As a little kid growing up I wanted all these things, but this quote looked at me every night before bed, and every morning when I woke up. It became engraved in my head at first, but now is engraved in my life.
You don't start applying principles like this in your life until you understand what they truly mean. This quote isn't difficult in finding its meaning, but it can take time to a adapt it into your life. In high school everyone constantly says, "It's the best time to make memories!" or people ask you, "What was your funniest high school memory?" Most of the time you have two different people. Those who go out every weekend "Making Memories" and those who stay in all weekend. I am an even mixture of both. I like to go hang out with friends and do simple things, but I also really cherish the short time I have left living with my family.
Family is where this quote comes into play. In two years I will be moved out. I won't get to wake up every morning to my mom yelling at us to get out of bed, my brothers fighting, and almost being late every day. Although these are the things that some days make me say, "I can't wait to move out." they are also the things that make me say, "I don't ever want to move out." This is exactly what I mean when I say the best things in life aren't things. It is the memories you make and the love in your life. The moments that you remember forever aren't going to be made by buying the brand new iPhone X, they're going to be made spending time with the people you love.
College honestly scares me. I don't know how living on my own is going to go, but I know everyday of my life will be an adventure. Those adventures will always mean more to me then an item I buy ever will.
Cherish your loved ones! They will make your life unforgettable! And always remember, The Best Things in Life Aren't Things.
2017-18 NCD Reporter
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